Posted in Overseas, Random Stuff, Shorts


Thoughts while solo-tripping around Amsterdam (roughly in chronological order):

  1. *internal screams of excitement
  2. Wow, the trains are so nice. Much comfortable. Much space.
  3. Look out the window, look away from your phone.
  4. The strange lady is looking at me.
  5. Do I look like a tourist?
  6. I probably do. I’m so going to get scammed.
  7. Hehhehehehehe Leylylaan. I am such a child.
  8. Schlickschlock djikdjok – I should stop.
  9. Centraal! Shit, no free wifi anymore.
  10. If I spin around this way, and the arrow on Google Maps points that way, and I walk in this direction, I should – oh wait nope why is it telling me to walk into the river?
  11. This place is a pedestrian’s paradise and a driver’s doom.
  12. Much history, much architecture.
  13. Can I jaywalk? Better not. I am an anak Malaysia yang membanggakan negara.
  14. I can gaywalk though. Ooooh, Lillian, you just went there.
  15. Foodfoodfoodfood.
  16. So many pigeons on the square…roast pigeo – Lillian, stop.
  17. Herring sandwiches??
  18. This baguette is actually soft.
  19. Pretty canal – must take picture.
  20. I need me a stroopwafel.
  21. I have me a bag of stroopwafel.
  22. Pretty canal.
  23. Pretty canal.
  24. I am basically a professional canal photographer now.
  25. This gouda is good ah. Buy one for Pa.
  26. Sex museum…pity I don’t have the time.
  27. Back at Centraal! Selfie with the building.
  28. Nope, my nostrils look huge. One more. Is anyone looking at me funny?
  29. Can I justifiably look at my phone now?
  30. Dank je, Nederlands.